Kate Tremel and Friends
13th Annual Artists Holiday Studio Sale
noon to 5 - Saturday, December 14 & Sunday, December 15, 2019
Featuring work by 7 local artisans, including:
Porcelain works by Kate Tremel - www.katetremel.com,
Book Arts & Letterpress by Jean Buescher Bartlett - www.bloodrootpress.com,
Ceramics by John Leyland and Ben Teague - www.benjaminteague.com,
Silk and wool wearables by Michelle Montour - www.montourdesigns.com,
Jewelry by Kristine Bolhuis - www.kristinebolhuis.com and Nancy Melet - http://nancymelet.com
Tremel residence 734-327-3727 or 734.709.4899
627 Gott St. (off Miller) in the Water Hill neighborhood of Ann Arbor